Eight Ways Health Plans Can Transform Member Relationships in a COVID-19 World


Over the past several years, many commercial health plans had begun to focus more on becoming truly consumer-centric. The pandemic, however, exposed significant cracks in those foundational efforts.

Consider just a few findings in a recent J.D. Power study: 48% of privately insured plan members said their health plan hasn’t shown concern for their health since the pandemic began. And 75% said they didn’t view their health plan as a trusted partner in their health.

At Carenet Health, we work with more than 100 of the leading U.S. health plans. What we’re seeing from that work indicates that right now is a critical time for plans to honestly explore and improve their relationships with members.

In fact, this has the potential to be a groundbreaking, transformational moment, if health plans take the right next steps.

In our ebook, The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Wake-up Call: How Health Plans Can Seize the Moment to Transform Member Relationships, we outline eight ways your plan can support a comprehensive consumer-centric transformation … when members need it most.

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