John Erwin of Carenet Health On 5 Things We Need To Do To Improve The US Healthcare System

john erwin of carenet heatlh

Virtual care, while important and useful to mend lapses in healthcare, requires a solution to follow through with a reimbursement platform that rewards the right behavior by members. Addressing this issue will ensure that all providers are paid for their services, which allows them to continue to deliver healthcare services.

Driven by his entrepreneurial spirit, John Erwin was part of the original investment team that acquired Carenet in 2004; he brought with him a vision of helping the healthcare industry deliver exceptional member and patient experiences that ultimately improve care, outcomes and costs. John is an innovator in the field of healthcare consumer influence and has grown Carenet Health to be a leading healthcare engagement, clinical, telehealth and advocacy solutions provider supporting 50 million consumers annually. John has received a number of national awards, including the EY Entrepreneur of the Year and his work in improving healthcare engagement includes partnering closely with the leadership of more than 100 of the nation’s premier health plans.

Read the full article from Authority Magazine
