Closing Gaps in Care: A Collection of Resources to Inspire Action


Closing gaps in care are an important topic right now as we get deeper into the second part of the year and compliance with annual HEDIS, Star and other quality measures loom.

Of course, the most successful health plans manage HEDIS® as an ongoing program instead of a short-term focus. A year-round approach to gaps in care, with a variety of engagement touchpoints, can increase your effectiveness in improving  HEDIS results and containing costs.

At Carenet Health, we have 30 years of helping health plans engage with their members to make informed healthcare decisions and address barriers to care. We’ve found that proactive, well-timed  interactions throughout the year can create critical communications feedback loops between a health plan and its members. Engagement opportunities like health assessment completion can be used strategically to also prevent or close gaps in care.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to build trust and supply education, so that gaps in care have a lower impact on a health plan’s bottom line and members are better cared for and supported by their  plan.

To provide you with a few ideas and inspiration as you plan your gap-closing strategy now and for next year, we’ve gathered a few resources below.

If we can help you implement an engagement program quickly, please reach out soon. Our consultants are here to not only discuss quick-deployment ways to improve your measures, but also out-of-the-box solutions that can help you plan a multifaceted strategy.

Note: HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).
