Healthcare Consumer Engagement: Solving for Siloed Engagement Efforts


As the focus on health plan member experience intensifies, so does the understanding that the whole of member experience is made up of both inbound and outbound engagement touchpoints spread across different departments and teams in a plan’s organization.

Beyond general member services and onboarding interactions, there are specialized initiatives that may be short-term, seasonal or permanent. And right now, it’s highly probable that none of these areas are coordinated with the others.

For instance, it’s not unusual for chronic care management efforts to be out of sync with medication adherence outreach, and both may be in data and communication siloes from areas such as post-discharge follow-up and closing gaps in care.

Yet all of those efforts combine to impact everything from quality scores to member satisfaction. And members form impressions that drive behavior from every encounter.

The issue health plans are beginning to tackle now is clear: How to ensure that those whole-experience touchpoints are well coordinated and integrated into an enterprise-wide engagement strategy.

Download our new TREND BRIEF to learn more—including the steps plans can take to meet the challenge.

How can we help? If you’d like to discuss the benefits and path forward for enterprise-wide engagement, please reach out today.
