Shared Decision Making

Guiding Individuals to Select Their Own Best Healthcare Options

Many medical conditions have multiple viable treatment options (known as preference-sensitive conditions), from taking prescription medication to physical therapy to having surgery. However, studies show that patients are often uninformed or uninvolved in the decision making regarding their own treatment options.1 Shared decision making encourages physicians and patients to collaborate on treatment decisions, often leading to improved patient satisfaction and a reduction in unnecessary, higher-cost options. 

Carenet Health’s Shared Decision Making solution empowers patients to manage their care and make informed decisions on a range of conditions, such as knee and hip osteoarthritis, back pain, cardiovascular disease and more. We combine analytics, health coaching and decision aids to support patients in their decision making process and drive measurable cost savings for our clients.

Components of the Shared Decision Making solution include:

  • Proprietary healthcare analytics, using our Pathways Engine to identify patients in a particular clinical risk stage, or Care Pathway, who are likely to face a preference-sensitive condition decision in the near future
  • Engagement by Health Coaches trained in shared decision making principles who proactively reach out to patients to offer information and support
  • Decision aids that explain treatment and care choices and help patients work with their doctors to make decisions about their healthcare—available in print and online formats

Surgery is not always the only option or the best answer for people. Our Shared Decision Making solution provides the opportunity to supply members with the information they need about their treatment options. This often results in eliminating unnecessary surgeries that can cost between $10K and $25K, saving money for both the plan and the member.

  1. Fowler, F.J.; et al (2020). Let’s Require Patients to Review a High-quality Decision Aid Before Receiving Important Tests and Treatments. Medical Care.

Our program has resulted in the following average surgery avoidance rates:


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