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Outsource vs. Insource: A 3-Point Checklist for Healthcare Engagement

Keep things internal or partner with a vendor? Download our latest guide for insights.

Build versus buy. It’s an age-old question, even in healthcare. If you’re wondering whether outsourcing a new patient or member engagement program is the right step, or considering creating your organization’s own contact center, we’ve put together a decision checklist to help you evaluate the options.

Our guide will walk you through the questions to ask when you’re assessing the balance of lower costs and higher control—and help you identify how your organization’s core competencies might fit with inbound and outbound engagement needs.

Whatever you decide, our tips will help you ensure your ultimate decision aligns with your organization’s goals.

Simply complete the form below to get started. (If you’ve already decided to outsource and are ready to craft an RFP, check out this Carenet Health resource for additional insights.)

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