Our Top Healthcare Consumer Engagement Content in 2018


The continued transition to value-based care has given the healthcare industry (and the experts at Carenet Healthcare Services) ample opportunities to focus on optimizing consumer and patient engagement strategies.

From innovations in telehealth to advice on closing gaps in care to performance-based contracting, we’ve gathered the Carenet content below that sparked the most interest in 2018 for some quick end-of-year reading.

  1. Think Next Year Will Bring More of the Same for Healthcare Engagement? Think Again.
    We’re billing 2019 as a year of opportunity. Read our top 10 predictions to keep in mind as you take member and patient engagement to new levels.
  1. Ask Your Healthcare Engagement and Telehealth Partners: Are You Willing to Sign Performance-Based Contracts?
    Performance-based engagement agreements may indeed be the future—and can reward all stakeholders. But trust, transparency and performance measurement are musts.
  1. The Uberization of Healthcare: A Look Under the Hood
    With more than 80 percent of healthcare consumers expressing dissatisfaction with their healthcare experience, our industry is ripe for disruption.
  1. Virtual Care Is the Future. Here’s How to Cut Those Care Costs in Half, Today.
    Rethinking your telehealth strategy can substantially reduce costs and deliver a higher-quality, on-demand healthcare experience. Innovative virtual care design is key.
  1. Destination: Success—Mapping Your Engagement Steps for Q4
    The end of the year always means limited time to meet quality goals. We mapped out 15 steps to help as you plan for 2019.
  1. The Power of Personal: Why a Human-Anchored Approach to HRAs Delivers Better Results
    Chief Client Officer Vikie Spulak shares the reasons human-anchored health risk assessments have proven more effective than using one-channel digital tools.
  1. Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Nurse Triage Line Performance?
    We share reporting criteria and performance metrics to help health plans leverage a nurse advice line to drive the most impact and ensure your members get the care they need.
  1. Does Your Post-Discharge Strategy Address Social Determinants of Health?
    Addressing a person’s socioeconomic situation is a growing concern in healthcare. Read tips on how to assess social determinants and develop personalized post-discharge strategies.
  1. Closing Gaps in Care: A Collection of Resources to Inspire Action
    Perfect for planning your 2019 initiatives for closing gaps in care, we share a gathering of resources, including e-books, white papers and case studies.
  1. Staying Competitive: Employers Offering Concierge Healthcare Services, Part 1 of 3
    Don’t miss this three-part series we shared this year on the necessity of offering healthcare consumers high-touch advocacy and navigation support to stay competitive.

As we continue to wrap up the year, we’d love to hear from you. Let us know what topics you’d like to read about in 2019. As leaders in healthcare consumer engagement, we’re here to help you move your current practices to ones that truly drive exceptional results.
