Where Is the Innovation Focus in Healthcare Engagement Today?


As the industry spends more time and energy working to improve healthcare consumer engagement, the need for innovation—new ideas, new technology, new strategies—becomes even more important.

Following is a list of areas where we see health plans, provider groups, health systems and other healthcare service organizations focusing their innovation efforts:

Digital wellness, such as wearables and external sensors

Care management, including remote patient monitoring, biosensors with coach/provider alerts, and more personalized and holistic outreach

Process automation, such as self-service in areas like registration and claims

Care access and convenience, including telehealth, mHealth, connected home (IoT), voice assistants, drones and even robots

Data-driven personalization, with work in the essential areas of engagement optimization, data sharing and integration, plus the use of artificial intelligence (AI)

Patient activation/population health management, including applying natural language processing, better CRM capabilities, outreach automation, predictive modeling, improved contact strategies and messaging refinement

Price transparency, including cost calculators and online tools

Inpatient engagement, such as virtual reality, in-room displays and real-time patient feedback

Communication channels, such as chatbot-driven portals and healthcare mobile messaging

Privacy, including secure messaging

Engagement settings, from pharmacy and grocery store clinics to health engagement at the gym, library and even barbershops

Education technology, including virtual reality and gaming

Healthcare navigation, from personal concierges and advocates to improved digital tools

The areas of recent healthcare engagement innovation focus is just one of the topics we cover in the Carenet Health white paper, Fueling Innovation in Healthcare Engagement: Harnessing the Not-so-Secret Power of Optimization. Download the PDF here.
